PHP 8.0 now available
PHP 8 has now been added to the SGIS Go, SGIS Grow, and SGIS Pro packages. Also, PHP 7.4 has been updated to 7.4.13 and 7.3 to 7.3.25.
If you’re using WordPress please be aware that PHP 8 is currently only “beta compatible” with full support coming soon – more on this here https://make.wordpress.org/core/2020/11/23/wordpress-and-php-8-0/
Still on a legacy hosting package?
Support for new versions of PHP will be coming to our legacy packages soon but if you’d like to get these features sooner you can upgrade to our newer packages. For more information on this please contact support.
Further information on PHP 8 and other versions can be found here https://www.php.net/