Writing for your website
Well done. You have got your website live, a tough project to get right. But now you need to make sure that it works. You have less than 20 seconds to grab your readers’ attention online, are you confident that your website content does this?
1. You have copied the same content you used on your last website.
2. You have used the content you wrote for your offline marketing material.
3. You left writing your content until the last minute.
4. Your core content per page is more than 500 words long and made up of hefty paragraphs.
5. Your content contains acronyms or words that most people will need to look up in a dictionary.
If you have answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone. In reality there are very few website owners who are also professional writers. The mistake that many website owners make though, is to assume that because they know their business inside out, they will be able to write about it on their website in a way that grabs readers’ attention and makes them want to use the products or services on offer.
In practice, there is much more to consider when it comes to writing for your website, including:
Being found
Are you using the right words and phrases associated with your industry to be found by people looking for your product or service?
Grabbing attention for the right reasons
This means thinking about your core messages. What first impression do you want to give? What is your most important point? Why should somebody contact you?
Setting the tone
Your tone of voice can make a huge difference. Being too formal could put people off, and so could being too informal – it all depends on your target market.
Of course all of this takes time, time that you may well prefer to spend running your business. Which is why we have launched our new copywriting service to help you to make your website work as hard as it possibly can.
We have teamed up with an expert copywriter to help you to get your website content right. Whether you just need somebody to give you feedback on your writing or want your whole website written from scratch, we can help.
Our copywriting service includes:
Keyword research – helping to ensure your website is found
Advice on copywriting best practice – for when you want to add more content yourself
In-depth research to ensure that we understand your business and its needs.
How much does it cost?
This will depend on your needs, but as a ballpark figure, around £25 per page of content, plus a couple of hours for research. If it is just a review and some advice this will be charged at an hourly rate of £25 per hour.
If you think we can help you with your content, get in touch.