MODX script added
MODX has just been added to our install library. MODX is an open source CMS written in PHP and uses MySQL database to power the content. MODX is available on all the Linux hosting packages (Starter, Home+ and Business) making installing and hosting is quick and easy.
Key Features of MODX
- You don’t need to know PHP to make changes
- HTML is the main driver using tags to add the dynamic database content
- Community created add-ons that are easy to install
- SEO friendly – complete control over metadata and URL structure
- Customisable site appearance
- Customisable admin area
- Multiple levels of access for different areas of the site
- Uses a static HTML caching system for fast loading
- And many more – Visit modx.com for full features
Screenshot of a MODX site
Please visit the following link if you want to demo MODX for yourself – http://www.trymodx.com/