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5 WordPress plugins

With over 12,000 WordPress plugins available it’s easy to get confused on which ones you need to install. We have put a quick list together of the 5 must have WordPress plugins regardless of what type of website you are running. Here they are, in no particular order…

Google XML Sitemaps
Updates your website’s sitemap automatically each time you add a new page or post. It also submits the sitemap to the major search engines to help your work be seen!

All in One SEO Pack
An easy way to add meta data such as title, description and keywords to your post and pages via an easy to use form that appears at the bottom of the edit screen. A must have to help improve you site ranking on search engines such as Google.

Adds an anti spam box to your comments – scroll down, we are using it! If you starting to appear on search engines it won’t be long until you get unwanted comments being posted on your site. You can massively reduce these unwanted comments by installing SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam so visitors have to pass a “human test” before submitting their comment.

Tell-a-Friend Widget
Adds a social networking link to the bottom of your posts and pages allow visitors to share instantly by clicking on the relevant icon. This is great for allowing your visitors to share information with people that may have not normally visited your site.

Changes the WordPress search function to display the most relevant document to that search rather than by the most recent document. This is a must if you have a lot of content on your site as you will be ensuring the most relevant piece of your work is displayed rather than an irrelevant page that may only contain one of the searched words.