Icon Creation
Have you ever wanted to create your own icon to appear at the top of the navigation bar of the browsers? Follow this 4 step guide and your icon will be up in minutes…
1. Choose the image that you want to appear. It’s best to make sure the image is already square to ensure it is not distorted.
2. Visit www.favicon.co.uk, upload the above picture and choose the icon size, choose the default size of 32×32.
3. Download the icon and upload it to your hosting account.
4. Add the below code code to the header of the webpage you want the icon to appear before the closing </head> tag.
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.example.co.uk/favicon.ico">
N.B. Remember to change the web address to where the icon has been saved.
Fingers crossed you should now see your icon appearing on your site!